The King of the Chest Exercises

The bench press is the single most popular traditional resistance training exercise in the world. You could go into the most rudimentary of gyms in the deepest, darkest regions of the Congo and you will find a bench press. It's usually the first piece of equipment that guys buy when they start training at home.

Should you happen to train in a commercial fitness center, your worthiness, in terms of strength, is often related to your capacity to perform the exercise with substantial resistance. Being able to bench a ton of weight is a badge of honor and is highly prized, establishing one's status in the gym world pecking order.

As such, the bench press has the reputation of being the most revered resistance training exercise in the gym.

But, does it deserve that reputation?

While there are electromyographical studies that show that the exercise solicits the chest muscles very well, there are quite a few reasons why I choose to steer away from the bench press.

Firstly, there is a question of security that cannot be avoided. If you want to push the bench press exercise into a zone where you will have an impact on strength and a growth-stimulating effect on your chest muscles, you will need to make something close to a maximal effort. Now, if you don't have anybody experienced enough to spot you properly, you are not going to be in enough of a secure environment that will allow you to take your sets to the limit. This translates into a sub-maximal effort and limited stimulation, thus restricting advancement towards your goals.

Should you happen to have a training partner to spot you, we need to take into account the fact that the poor individual is likely to get a great biceps and traps workout due to the fact that you will most likely use a much heavier weight than you should with the bench press. That person's lower back could also be severely taxed if a quick recovery action is required on their part should you happen to fail during the press.

Secondly, what if you do not have a steady and reliable training partner? Just asking anyone in the gym to give you a spot leaves you heavily exposed to inconsistent spotting techniques. As such, you will never be truly comfortable in making a maximal effort because you will constantly be unsure about the individual spotting you. This might be a distraction when you really need to concentrate and slip into your psyching-up mode for the lift.

Thirdly, still from a security perspective, if you happen to hit the pins on the bench (the little bars on which you rest the barbell when it's racked), you might lose control of the exercise, which can lead to all sorts of nasty outcomes. There's no guarantee, either, that you will rack the bar properly which means gravity might just bring the bar quickly into contact with your chest. While this might sound improbable, it did happen to a friend of mine a few years ago. I was not a witness to the incident, but I was told that the cracking sound that his chest made when the loaded bar fell on him was quite audible to those in close proximity. He came into the gym a few days later with a heavily bruised chest and a lesson learned about having an alert partner to spot him properly. Just a little something to think about.

Fourthly, you are always courting the possibility of staying stuck under the bar if you happen to be attempting the exercise alone. This is obviously a dangerous situation in which people find themselves occasionally, especially in a home gym environment.

The fifth challenge is related to the actual biomechanics of the bench press exercise. Generally, the benching action will have an effect through a restricted range of motion, which, of course, limits the muscle-developing aspect of the exercise. With maximal range of motion actions, one encourages muscle strength and volume development to a greater degree, giving the muscle a fuller look.

The sixth problem with the good old bench press exercise has to do with grip width issues and the urban legends that they spawn. The bench press typically requires that an individual apply a relatively wide hand placement on the bar. The main issue here is that the farther you place your hands away from the primary joints involved in the exercise, in this case the shoulders, the more stress you are throwing onto the big muscles and the little stabilizing muscles around those joints. This makes the bench press much more of a shoulder-building (and shoulder-damaging) exercise than a chest-building exercise. Just ask anyone who has been benching for years if their shoulders still feel great.

Of course, the wide grip hand position for the bench press can be exaggerated quite a bit with those individuals who happen to believe that taking an extra wide hand placement on the bar will throw more stress and emphasis on the outer portion of the chest muscles.

This is a very common, but erroneous notion that has spread like a virus through gyms around the world. While it sounds logical, and most unfounded notions and techniques sound logical on the surface, it's a practice that is not grounded in sound anatomical or biomechanical fact. Essentially, the fibers of the chest muscles are not oriented in a way that allows for that kind of specificity. The chest muscle is contracting from its point of origin to its point of insertion. This means that the outer portion of the chest is always contracting no matter how wide one grabs the bar.

If anything, an extra wide grip merely stresses the shoulders even more, resulting in greater wear and tear and possible acute or chronic injuries. As such, a wider spacing between the hands does not appear to offer beneficial activation over other hand positions, apart from possibly greater influence for the incline bench press. Even then, the shoulders are taking quite a beating.

In close relationship to the outer chest development theory is the idea that a really narrow grip on the bar will allow one to hit the inner part of the chest.

The fanciful notion that we can hit the inner aspect of the chest, also known as the sternal portion, with a narrow grip bench press is founded on nothing logical. It's a popular belief that many gym patrons readily subscribe to, though, because the inner portion of the chest does not always appear to develop as quickly or to the same degree as the rest of the muscle. The idea that a grip modification on an olympic bar can lead to better development of that weak area gives practitioners of such an approach hope.

Ironically, and interestingly enough, in opposition to what is essentially anecdotal opinion, the research shows that a narrow grip on the bench press actually reduces the activation of the chest muscles. One has to believe that this kind of makes it difficult to subscribe to the notion that a narrow grip bench press action will have any impact on inner chest development. In fact, it might have more of an influence on the upper (clavicular head) of the pectoralis major.

We also have to take into consideration the fact that the triceps tendon at the elbow takes quite a beating with a close grip hand position because the triceps muscle is heavily solicited. This can lead to a serious case of tendonitis, an injury that can potentially put your benching out of commission for a few weeks, if not longer.

The seventh problem with the bench press is one of technique. Seeing as it happens to be the most testosterone-lathered exercise in the gym it quite naturally lends itself to absolutely atrocious execution because of the crazy weights people are tempted to push. This opens the door to a multitude of acute and chronic orthopaedic injuries, the shoulder region being at the top of the list.

One of the biggest issues in terms of awful technique involves the act of lifting one's butt off of the bench resulting in a severe arching of the back. While this benching position has been proposed as a way to lift more weigh, the dangers associated with an exaggerated arching of the spinal column come from the enormous pressures placed on the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, and the little facet joints of the vertebrae that are all vitally important for healthy back mobility. Those types of compressive stresses add up over time, and can lead to degenerative conditions in the lower back region later in life. At that point, it's too late.

Another potential technique problem with the bench press exercise relates to the practice of bouncing the bar off the chest at the bottom of the movement. Of course, we are not actually talking about a real bounce off of the chest because that kind of action would more likely fragment your rib cage. When we speak of the bounce off the chest, we are referring in particular to what is commonly known in training circles as the stretch reflex, which is a speed-related action. This reflex is primarily associated with a rapid dropping of the bar that is more often than not way too heavy to begin with. Due to the rapid and forceful stretching of the pectoralis major muscle at the bottom of the movement, there is a reflex action that allows the individual performing the exercise to drive the bar back up to the top in a more powerful fashion.

While the stretch reflex is something that we might specifically want to train from a sports performance point of view, it runs counterproductive to the chest development that most are trying to encourage with the bench press exercise. Hypertrophy of a muscle is better served by an intentional action that comes about with a controlled contraction in both the eccentric and concentric phases, and through the full range of motion under constant tension. Bouncing the bar does not respect those criteria at all.

In the end, am I against the bench press as a chest exercise?

No, of course not. It's still a chest exercise, after all.

I do, however, believe it is overrated and question its title as the king of the chest exercises. Personally, I stopped performing any version of a traditional bench press in 1991, and my chest has developed quite nicely. I don't have any chronic shoulder issues to deal with, either.

Natural Testosterone Boosters To Build Lean Muscle Quickly

Build Lean Muscle Quickly

Testosterone is the hormone
that regulates muscle growth in your body. This is the precise reason bodybuilders try to enhance their testosterone levels by various means.

Here are some simple and easy ways to help boost testosterone in your body naturally:

1. Whole Milk

Having whole milk just before going to bed is one simple way to boost testosterone in your body. Whole milk is not just a great source of proteins but is also rich in fats. It's important to keep in mind that your body needs fats to produce testosterone.

2. Squats and Lunges

 As a bodybuilder, I am sure you are already aware that strength training is excellent for increasing testosterone. However, certain exercises such as squats, lunges, leg presses etc. are immensely effective for increasing your T-levels. Thus, never ever skip your leg workout.

3. Get Enough Rest

An intense and hard workout must be followed by enough rest. Lack of sleep can raise cortisol or the stress hormone in your body. Cortisol inhibits testosterone production. Thus, you must try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Adequate sleep not only helps boost testosterone in your body but also increases growth hormone production.

This can help speed up muscle growth in your body.

4. Cold Showers

 A cold shower early in the morning is supposed to be great for increasing testosterone in men. Thus, try to begin your day with a cold shower, whenever possible.

5. Get Enough of Zinc

 Magnesium and Selenium in Your Diet - Minerals like zinc and magnesium play an extremely important role in testosterone production in your body. Thus you must enough of foods that contain these minerals. Oysters are rich in zinc and so is lean meat. Fish like salmon, sardines etc. are a great source of zinc, magnesium and selenium.

6. Try Natural Testosterone Supplements

Moreover, you can also try natural testosterone supplements. Such supplements are a powerful blend of herbs like tribulus terrestris, tongat ali, muira pauma, l-arginine, maca etc.

These ingredients stimulate your pituitary gland so that it can increase its secretion of LH or luteinizing hormone. This hormone in turn, stimulates leydig cells in your testes so that they can produce more testosterone.

Top of the line testosterone supplements are made with input from professional bodybuilders and do not have any negative side effects.

So, if you want to get bigger and harder muscles, check out the Best Testosterone Supplement that has helped thousands of men like you over the past few years.

Muscle Building Proteins To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle

Muscle Building Proteins To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle

Proteins are one of the three major components or macro-nutrients of all foods. The other two are carbohydrates and fats.

Proteins have many functions including repairing your bones and muscles, building cells, and helping with your immune system. Proteins also serve as a source of fuel. They make up about 15% of your weight.

What is protein?

Proteins consist of chains of amino acids, which are simple organic compounds. These small molecules are contained in many of the foods you eat. During digestion, they are decomposed into single amino acids. These are then absorbed into you blood-stream and distributed around you body where they are used for various purposes.

There are at least 500 known amino acids. However, only 20 are used for making proteins. Different foods contain proteins made up of differing amino acids.

In addition, your body itself synthesises many amino acids from other compounds. However, there are nine amino acids that your body cannot create from its own internal resources. These are known as the essential amino acids as they have to be obtained in the food you eat.

Of the remaining eleven amino acids, five are known as dispensable amino acids because there is no need to ingest them at all as they can be synthesised internally under all circumstances. However, six are classed as conditionally essential, ie their synthesis within the body might not take place when you have problems with your metabolism, the biochemical changes that occur in your body.

Some sources of protein, such as meat, deliver the full range of essential amino acids. These foods are said to be 'complete'. 'Incomplete' proteins are low in one or more essential amino acids. Beans and tofu, for example, are incomplete sources of protein because they contain lower amounts of some essential amino acids.

Sources of protein

You get proteins from consuming both plant and animal products. On average, foods made from plants contribute over 60% of the total amount of protein consumed worldwide. But in northern Europe and North America foods derived from animals supply about 70% of the protein consumed.

Most meat, eggs, fish and dairy products are sources of complete protein, proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids. So if you eat some meat then you can be fairly sure that you are getting all the amino acids you need.

Proteins are also suppled by whole-grains and cereals and many of these contain relatively high concentrations (more than 7%) of protein. These include buckwheat, oats, rye, millet, corn (maize), rice, wheat, bulgar, sorghum, amaranth, and quinoa.

But the proteins supplied by whole-grains and cereals are incomplete, ie they do not deliver all the essential amino acids. The missing amino acids can be obtained from other plants, such as legumes, pulses, nuts, and seeds. Many of these have higher concentrations of amino acids compared to whole-grains and cereals and are more complete sources of protein.

Indeed whole soy, which comes from soybeans and which you'll find in soy milk, tempeh, edamame, and tofu, gives you all the essential amino acids, just like protein from animal sources. It is used instead of meat in some vegetarian dishes.

Besides soy beans, examples of plant foods that contain more than 7% protein include lentils, kidney beans, white beans, mung beans, chickpeas, cowpeas, lima beans, pigeon peas, lupines, wing beans, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts, cotton seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Roots and tubers such as yams, cassava and sweet potato, as well as plantains and fruits, are poor sources of protein and the essential amino acids. Indeed, the protein content in these foods is between 0 and 2%, which is well below the 7% or better of many legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds.

Because most of the protein you get from plant sources is incomplete, vegetarians and vegans need to eat a variety of plant proteins to make sure they get enough essential amino acids. The American Dietetic Association, however, maintains that a plant-based diet will provide adequate protein without having to eat any particular combination of foods.

Most nutritionists take a contrary view. Because certain plants contain particular amino acids but not others, they say, you need to combine several vegetables in a way that ensures that you get all nine essential amino acids. This is known as a 'balanced' meal.

Many nutritionists are of the opinion that vegans need to ensure that they get all the essential amino acids over the course of one day, rather than in one meal, ie they need to eat a 'balanced daily diet'.

Getting a properly balanced meal or balanced daily diet together would probably require a fairly advanced knowledge of nutrition. You would need a detailed knowledge of vegetables and the amino acids they contain. For me, a diet containing moderate amounts of ultra-lean meat is much simpler.

You can also get protein from protein powders which are manufactured sources of protein made from casein, whey, egg, rice and soy. These protein powders are intended mainly as additional sources of protein for bodybuilders.

What does protein do in your body?

Proteins are the most common kinds of molecules in your body, after water. Your body needs them for growth and maintenance.

Protein is the major structural component of all cells in your body, the cells of your muscles, organs, hair and skin. Proteins are also used in membranes, and are needed in the formation of blood cells.

Broken down into amino acids, they are used in the building of muscle tissue and in the repairing of damaged cells. They are also used in the manufacturing of hormones and other molecules essential for life.

Protein is only used as fuel when your carbohydrates and fats are running low.

How much protein do you need every day?

Most of use get plenty of protein in our diets and do not need to worry about deficiencies. But strict vegetarians, vegans, and older people can be at risk of insufficient protein. The warning signs include weight loss, tired muscles, and a drop in muscle strength.

Our bodies don't store proteins the way they store carbs and fats, so you need a steady supply of protein every day. But how much you actually need depends on your gender, age and weight, and how active you are.

The amount of protein needed will also vary according to individual circumstances. Being very muscular increases the need for protein. Children need more protein for growth and development, while women need more during pregnancy or when breast-feeding. Anyone whose body is recovering from a trauma or after an operation needs more protein.

According to US & Canadian Dietary Reference Intake guidelines, to avoid a deficiency, women aged 19 to 70 should consume 46 grams of protein a day, while men in the same age range need 56 grams of protein a day. Of course, this figure is for a non-athlete.

The generally accepted daily protein dietary allowance, for a normal sedentary person, measured as the amount of protein ingested per kilogram of body weight, is 0.8 g/kg. This suggests that if you weight 70kg, you should eat 56 grams of protein a day.

Protein can help repair muscles after working out. Many studies show that having high-protein foods or drinks soon after exercise helps build and restore muscle. But protein is only part of the story. The key nutrient to strengthen muscles is carbohydrates.

Nevertheless, several studies have concluded that active people and athletes may require more than 0.8 g/kg of protein a day due to increases in muscle mass and sweat losses. The additional protein is also needed for body repair and as an energy source.

Suggested amounts vary between 1.6 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg, while a proposed maximum daily protein intake would be approximately 25% of energy requirements, ie approximately 2 to 2.5 g/kg. The research however is ongoing and many issues still remain to be settled.

What foods should you eat to get protein?

As a person with type 2 diabetes, your concern extends well beyond the issue of how much protein you get in your diet.

If you are following the diet I am using to successfully beat or reverse my diabetes, you are eating natural, unprocessed foods that are low in sugar, fat and salt, high in fibre and digested slowly. You are excluding eggs and all dairy products from your diet. In addition you are drinking copious amounts of water to help absorb all the fibre you are ingesting with this plant-focused diet.

On this diet your protein intake will most certainly not be deficient.

Animal protein in the form of meat and fish will always deliver complete protein. However animal protein can damage your kidneys. In addition, it usually arrives on your plate bundled with loads of fat which will destroy your efforts to beat your diabetes unless it is minimised.

The trick is to limit you animal protein to very lean meat such as top round steak, pork cuts from which you can cut away fat, skinless white (breast) meat of chicken, and fish from which you have stripped away the skin. This will give you plenty of complete protein and only moderate amounts of fat.

You can also get complete protein from soy products such as soy milk, tofu, tempeh and edamame. You can find soy dishes in health-food stores and (sometimes) in the health food section of your local supermarket.

Many beans contain plenty of protein, often in excess of 7%, though it is incomplete. However, when you combine beans with a variety of vegetables you can be sure that you are getting all the essential amino acids.

It is essential that the protein you consume is not accompanied by fat, especially saturated fat. To ensure that you don't miss out on fibre and other important nutrients, you have to include grains and vegetables in your diet. These too will deliver plenty of protein, albeit incomplete. But if you combine several vegetables on your plate you can be sure that you are getting most of the essential amino acids.

You also need to include roots, tubers and fruits in your diet even though these do not deliver a lot of protein. They do however deliver lots of other nutrients needed by a type 2 diabetic.

Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle - Never Give Up

Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle

Most guys want to have hard-as-rock lean muscle mass, yet many guys just can't achieve this. Long hours at the gym and lifting heavy weights will often leave a guy feeling not only tired and frustrated, but also looking no bigger and stronger than when he started. What can he do? It all comes down to self-discipline, hard work, evolving your strategies and techniques and choosing a decent program to follow.

Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle 1: Self-Discipline

You will not see any results unless you have self-discipline. Do you have enough discipline in order to persevere in your efforts, despite what else is going on in your life? Can you take constant action and steps towards your goal of getting ripped without giving up or slackening off? Building lean muscle mass takes time and requires persistence. If you don't have time for it, make time. If you don't have the necessary persistence or are impatient and want immediate results, you are going about it the wrong way and will probably end up giving up. Remember, self-discipline is a key factor in getting a ripped body, a necessary factor.

Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle 2: Hard Work

It's no secret that getting ripped and staying ripped requires hard work. This doesn't mean that you need to lift heavy weights or work out every day of the week. Nor does it mean that you need to spend long hours at the gym. But it does mean that you actually need to work to see results. If you are a lazy guy who doesn't want to push himself a little bit to look good, then you won't get very far.

Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle 3 : If You Fail, Try Another Strategy

Many guys spend months lifting the same weights or doing the same routine over and over again and still see hardly any progress. Wake-up call guys - if your routine is not making you see any visible results within a few months then you either need to ditch it or change it. Don't keep on doing the same old stuff if it's not working. If you follow proper decent bodybuilding advice from an expert source, you should see results in a matter of weeks. So find a superior program that delivers fast results and doesn't leave you feeling dejected and frustrated.

Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle 4:Follow A Quality Program

Make sure that the advice or program that you are following is written by a guy who is an expert in the field. He should be properly qualified and should follow his own advice and not hold back from showing off his own ripped body. The program that you follow to get ripped should be based on science and not just junky information. Proper bodybuilding information should be based on the knowledge of the skeletal muscular system and the mechanics of muscle growth. Learn to distinguish quality information from rubbish.

Search Terms :

Never Give Up on Your Drams
Get Ripped and Build Lean Muscle
Build Lean Muscles
Lose weight and gain muscle
Muscle building workouts

Creatine Supplements For Bodybuilding

 Creatine Supplements For Bodybuilding

Creatine supplements have become popular amongst bodybuilders looking to build muscle mass and get a good workout in the gym. Contrary to popular belief, creatine is not a drug or steroid. In fact, it is not even an artificially made chemical. We all have natural creatine that gets created inside our bodies, so that our cells can get the energy they need to make our body's function. With supplements, we can increase this energy in order to get a better workout. Creatine supplements come in three forms; capsules, liquid and powder. Experts will recommend the powder because it is the easiest for the body to absorb. There are many different brands of this on the market, but just look for the 100% pure creatine and you will be fine. It is odorless, tasteless and mixes great with just about any drink.

The powder form of creatine is very simple to take. Most of them will come with a 5 gram mini scoop inside of the container. This makes it convenient for scooping out the powder and pouring it into your drink. In the beginning, you will want to use about 20 grams of creatine per day because your body needs to get used to the supplement. The only way it can is by saturating the muscles with it. After a week, you can just take 5 grams per day. As for the best time to take the supplement, there really is no best time. Some people will tell you to take it before a workout because it will give you the energy you need to lift heavy weights. Others will tell you to take it after a workout because it will help repair your muscles faster and make them grow. The truth is that creatine does not have any immediate effect on your muscles when you take it. Remember that your body already has creatine in it, so your muscles already have plenty. Putting more of it in your body will just create more saturation, which could lead to health complications if you overdo it. So just stick with the recommended dosages and take the creatine anytime during the day.

As a supplement, creatine helps bodybuilders produce more energy at a faster rate. This allows them to have the necessary energy required to lift heavy weights and increase their muscle mass. It does this by providing more water to the cells of your muscles, which results in an increase in protein synthesis. This will allow the muscles to rebuild faster and get more massive after a workout. With this kind of advantage, the results from a workout will be better because of the energy you will have to perform longer high intensity workouts. Many professional athletes in football, baseball and basketball use creatine while training in the gym to pack on more muscle mass. In fact, anyone taking the supplement is guaranteed to gain weight from it. The initial gains will only be about five pounds of water weight, but after the first week the muscle gains will be the cause of the weight gain. This happens because the muscles take about a week to get used to the new workload from all the heavier weight you are lifting, while on creatine.

People have a habit of thinking that taking a supplement means they don't have to work out as hard. You have to realize that supplements are only assisting you in achieving your fitness goals, but they won't actually make them happen for you. That is something you have to do for yourself through hard work and motivation in the gym. Therefore, you won't get big muscles within the first week of taking this supplement. It also won't increase your sexual performance as some people think. But most importantly, do not use creatine supplements as a permanent replacement for natural food sources of creatine. If you are a vegetarian then you might be in trouble. Although you may be able to improve your performance with supplementation, you will never be able to get to your peak by only depending on it for your creatine. Bodybuilders who eat meat and take supplements will always have an advantage over vegetarians.

 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine

Dietary supplements have been around on the sports market for more than 60 years now. However, few of them have actually brought good positive benefits to the nutrition of athletes and bodybuilders. But among the few that did is creatine. Creatine is an amazing product that is also natural and used to recycle muscle energy inside our bodies.

 Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 1

    First of all, everyone should know that creatine has been proven not to be dangerous. Time and time again research has shown that every athlete should take creatine, at least until the optimal phosphates levels in their bodies are reached. Taking creatine does not cause any sort of damage to your body. It does not cause liver damage, nor does it cause kidney damage. It has been proven to not cause any muscle cramps, thermoregulation problems or dehydration. Simply put, doctors all around the world agree that this is a safe product.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 2
    Well, obviously one reason everyone should take creatine is muscle growth. This is a critical field in which consuming protein is also extremely important. However, studies have shown that people who take creatine build muscle easier and increase their strength and muscle mass faster than people who do not take creatine. Considering that it's a very safe product, there is no reason why you shouldn't try it.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 3
    Another reason is productivity. Creatine fills you with energy and provides you with a boost that will reinvigorate you and make you feel truly alive. Researchers from the UK have shown that those who take creatine are capable of getting significantly more work done.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 4
    Creatine also has a powerful and positive effect on brain functioning. Interacting with your brain waves, creatine helps you focus and learn things faster. It also improves your memory and your learning process is more effective.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 5
    Another amazing benefit of creatine is something that you might not have been thinking about. It turns out that this fantastic supplement also increases testosterone levels and literally makes you more of a man. If you will take creatine, you will definitely observe an improvement in your sex drive, your energy, and your strength and In you general self-esteem as well.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 6

    High intensity workouts. Because of the extra energy you will feel from taking creatine, you will be able to have highly intensive, very challenging workouts. This in turn allows you to do more sets, more repetitions and with heavier weights. All of these promote your muscle growth and your strength increases. That is why athletes and bodybuilders who take creatine will be able to achieve amazing performances in their respective fields.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 7 :
    Reduced recovery time. Creatine has another fantastic effect. It reduces the recovery time of your muscles and it allows you to practice sports and lift weights much more frequently, inherently leading to muscle increases and a masculine, fit, physique. If you haven't already then do yourself a favour and try out creatine right now!

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 8 :

    Muscle volume. If you ever wondered how all those bodybuilders look so great then you have just found the answer. Supplements such as creatine greatly enhance your muscle volume, making you appear stronger and more powerful. This is a property of creatine to inflate the muscle cells, totally transforming appearance.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 9:

    Creatine is also great for older people, as it has been proven to reduce age related muscle loss (sarcopaenia). Creatine apparently has an effect on the IGF 1 anabolic hormone, and through a complex intricate mechanism it slows down muscle loss. Besides, working out and keeping fit is something that is essential for both young and old people. It may be even more important for seniors, as working out keeps their bodies healthy and prevents health problems.

Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Creatine 10 :

    Creatine improves bone healing. Researchers in Switzerland have found that taking creatine can be a therapy for healing bone fractures. According to the results published, the powerful supplement also has an impact on bone health, having greatly improved healing on patients in the in-vivo study.

Having revealed 10 very strong reasons why every athlete should be taking creatine, we hope to have convinced you that creatine is more than a supplement part of the workout industry. It is an actually healthy product that is truly 100% safe and has already helped millions of people all around the world to improve their muscle and physique. It provides amazing benefits such as muscle growth, energy boosts and reduced recovery times for muscles, allowing athletes and body builders to work out for longer periods of time without getting tired or missing repetitions. It also has an important effect on muscle volume, improving vascularity and inflating muscle cells to give the appearance of a stronger, more powerful physique.

Fastest Way to Get a Six Pack - 3 Tips on How to Get a Six Pack Fast

With summer upon us many folks would like to know what is the fastest way to get a six pack. Whether it's to get back in shape, impress that hot girl you've been after, or be the ultimate icon on your summer beach holiday, nothing oozes masculinity and aesthetic beauty quite like a rock-hard chiseled six pack.

Getting a six pack is one of the ultimate fitness symbols as it shows dedication in all aspects of your training. Weight lifting on its own may get you big arms, but it's not the fastest way to get a six pack, so you'll need a different approach if you want to get chiseled bullet-proof abs. What's great about a six pack is that you don't have to be a huge bodybuilder to get one - look at Bruce Lee...he was a small guy by bodybuilding standards, but he had abs like marble. You can too.

By getting a six pack, you'll not only look like an Adonis, but you'll feel the benefit in so many ways, because your abdominals support your torso. By training your six pack you'll improve your posture, standing straighter and thus taking more pressure off your back muscles, thereby preventing future injuries and back problems later in life.

So let's get are 3 tips on the fastest way to get a six pack.

Fastest Way To Get A Six Pack - Tip No 1 (Build) Change Your Diet

The first and most important thing to do if you're looking for the fastest way to get a six pack is to change your diet and burn that excess fat right off.

The importance of this step is often overlooked and so ultimately leads to frustration and failure. It doesn't matter how many crunches you do or how many hours you spend busting your butt in the gym, if you're eating junk or not focusing on shredding your excess belly fat, you'll never get the six pack that turns heads. You can have the best and hardest abs in the world, but if they're covered in a layer of fat, there ain't nobody that's gonna see them.

So tip number 1 is eat right, and control your calories. You should be looking to create a caloric deficit, where you take on less calories than you burn. Food choices are really important here as you want to feed the machine that is your body, but you want to give it the right fuel, in the form of slow-release energy-rich foods like oatmeal, green fibrous vegetables, and plenty of lean proteins like chicken breast and good quality organic free-range beef.

Fastest Way To Get A Six Pack - Tip No 2 (Shred) Exercises / Weights

The second thing you have to do if you're looking for the fastest way to get a six pack is to exercise your abdominals. A solid exercise program including weight training will be important here. Even when you're exercising another part of your body, focus on keeping your abs tight as you'll get an extra training boost from this. An example is while doing the chest press exercise...if you keep your abs throughout the exercise, you'll avoid the possibility of injury, tighten your abs, and improve your technique on the exercise.

Crunches are an all-time fave to get a six pack (try to avoid using an ab roller as they're not as effective as doing it manually). Do many variations, feet on floor, feet raised etc.

Push-ups and other bodyweight exercises like squat thrusts are some of the simplest and most underused exercises, but equally fantastic ways to get a six pack fast. Much like the example with weight training, by focusing on keeping your ab area tight while doing push ups you'll supercharge the exercise and get more benefit on your way to a six pack.

Fastest Way To Get A Six Pack - Tip No 3 (Cut) Burn fat with Cardio

So, you've watched what you eat and cut out excess fat, you've been working your ab area, so now is the time to reveal all! It's fat burning time!

Cardio exercise is the best way to burn off the excess fat on your body, and reveal the amazing six pack underneath. This is where the pros get the "cut" look that is so impressive. Have you ever seen those skinny guys who don't work out, don't have any muscle but have a six pack? Well, it's 'cos they have low body fat. Cardio will help you do that, but with your better diet and exercise routines you'll blow those guys out of the water!

Obviously running, cycling, swimming, and high intensity sports like basketball, tennis and soccer that rely on short quick sprints are top of the list as cardio exercises. But the key to all of them is reaching what is your "fat burning zone". This is the point at which your body seriously begins to burn the stored fat reserves and reveal your super six pack.

The Karvonen formula is used to work out your own personal fat burning zone, based on heart rate, age etc. Most gym equipment will show you the heart-rate etc, you should be aiming for to achieve your optimum fat-burning zone, but working it out on your own will come in handy. There are many Karvonen calculators on the internet that are free to use.

Fastest Way to Get a Six Pack
Tips on How to Get a Six Pack Fast
How to Get a Six Pack Fast
Get a Six Pack Fast
Best Way To Get Six Pack

Whey Protein Hydrolysate Shake - The Best Supplement for Sportsmen and Bodybuilders

With constant exposure to media and information, people are becoming more and more health conscious. They want to look good and feel good, and are always trying to lead a life of better quality. They go to health resorts and gyms and play sports in order to stay fit.

People going to gyms will have surely seen the protein shakes being used by other members. They might be using them too. It is an excellent choice for those who are unable to get sufficient proteins from their natural diets. These supplements helping you gain muscle mass, which is required to achieve that sculpted or chiseled looks.

Now for an active individual, the daily requirement of proteins cannot be met solely by consuming natural foods. To fulfill this requirement, people will need supplements.

The protein shake:

Cow's milk consists of both whey as well as casein. However, the casein content is much higher than that of whey. Contrary to that, human milk is rich in whey and researches show that it has higher probabilities for growth and development. On the other hand, the excess amount of casein in cow milk could be the reason for a number of diseases and allergies.

There are many supplements available in the market. Prominent among them are soy and whey protein. The later is preferred, as it contains a higher amount of proteins than the former one.

A New Variety:

A standard whey supplement contains only about 30-40% protein while 60-70% of it is just carbohydrates and fat. In a protein isolate, the amino acid content can be as high as 90%. However, the large molecules of peptides are difficult to breakdown.

A new product available in the market promises to do even better. This product which is known as whey protein hydrolysate breaks down the large granules of peptides, so that it can be easily absorbed and assimilated by the human body.

What is the difference between protein shake and natural protein?

It is believed that protein shake and natural sources of protein like fish, eggs, chicken, etc, have the same effect on the body. As in, the 30 gram of protein derived from chicken is the same as the 30 gram of protein present in the supplement. For this, you need to consume a lot of natural proteins in one day.

However, the hydrolysate variety would give you more proteins. For instance, consuming 10-15 gms of hydrolysate protein would give you the same nourishment as that present in 30gms of chicken.

Its benefits:

    Provides the athletes with the much needed enhanced glycogen level.
    Helps repair the wear and tear of body tissues that may occur after a strenuous workout.
    Helps you lose body fat.
    Keeps you full so that you do not feel the need to consume any unnecessary food items.

It can be used by:

    Students and businessmen who work out in the gym.
    Sportsmen and bodybuilders who need those extra amino acids within their system.
    Actors, models, stage performers and entertainers.

This is a great product which has hardly any side effects. Only an infinitesimally small percentage of the population is allergic to whey. However, this product is more expensive than the original protein shake.

For more information on this awesome product you should get in touch with a reliable whey protein hydrolysate manufacturer today.

Search Terms :

The Best Supplement for Sportsmen and Bodybuilders
Whey Protein Hydrolysate Shake
Supplement for Sportsmen
Hydrolysate Shake
Protein Hydrolysate
Whey Protein

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